Back in April, Glenn threw his hat in the ring and registered for the Online Qualifier: Complete 4 Workouts in 3 days with the top 8 in each division earning a ticket to the Championships. Glenn finished 6th, punching his ticket to Brisbane.
For Time (8MIN CAP)
30 DB Snatch @ 50#
30 DB Box Step Overs @ 50#
30 DB Push Press @ 50#
30 DB Box Step Overs
30 DB Snatch
An all out sprint style workout, had Glenn working hard and fast from the call of ‘Go’. Super smooth on the Snatches before getting to work on the Step Overs. With everyone going unbroken, there was no time to rest, and before we knew it Glenn was in a battle for the event win. It came down to the last few snatches where Glenn was narrowly edged out by 3 seconds for a 2nd Place finish.
For Time (11 MIN CAP)
80 Drag Rope Double Unders
12 Back Squats @ 155#
10 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Front Squats @ 155#
10 Bar Muscle Ups
12 Overhead Squats @ 155#
10 Bar Muscle Ups
80 Drag Rope Double Unders
A test of skill and strength and a real shoulder burner had Glenn battling it out in this Chipper style Workout. Overhead Squats are Glenns kryptonite, so our goal was simple – see if we can get to them, and get some out. He got there, but fighting fatigue, was unable to get a rep before time expired, settling for a 5th place finish in the workout.
For Reps (3 x 2MIN ON | 1MIN OFF)
20 Cal Echo Bike
Max Lateral Burpees Over Line
– REST 2MIN, then –
For Reps (3 x 2MIN ON | 1MIN OFF)
30 Wall Balls @ 20#
Max T2B
When it comes to these back to back scored events, it all about trying to ensure you don’t go all out on one event and bomb on the other. We knew that in the heat of competition, most of the competitors would light up the Echo Bike (which they did), with little consideration for how its going to effect their lungs and legs, not just on the Burpees, but the Wall Balls that were to follow in the next scored event. As a result, we had Glenn aim for an aggressive and uncomfortable, yet repeatable pace on the ECHO Bike of about 1:05 – 1:15 each round, and then blitz the Burpees. As predicted, the field went out like a bull out of the gate, with all competitors getting off the bike in :40 – :50. Glenn stuck to the plan, head down, last of the bike and unleashed on the Burpees. The 1min Rest had everyone sucking in the air, trying to recover, before hoping back on the bike for round 2. This time, the field, considerably spent, got off the bike at :55 – 1:05, with Glenn in hot pursuit and continuing to match his Burpee pace of the first round. Round 3 came around, and Glenn, holding the same pace on the ECHO bike as he did in round 1, was 3rd off the Bike, and continued to smash the Burpees resulting in a 2nd Place finish, just 3 reps shy of 1st.
And we were into the Wall Balls & T2B. Our game plan was the same as above, be methodical on the Wall Balls; 12-10-8, every round and do what we can on the T2B. Just like the ECHO bike, the field came out hot, with almost all of the field going unbroken on the Wall Balls, a stark contrast to rounds 2 and 3, where Mr Consistent – Glenn finished the Wall Balls at the Top of the Pack, managing to walk away with a 3rd Place finish.
Glenn finished Day 1 in 2ND PLACE Overall.
For Total Load (10 MIN CAP)
15 – 12 – 9 Unbroken Clean & Jerks @ Chosen Loads
Heading into Day 2 aka Strength Testing Day, was always going to be a “see what we can pull out, and see if we can hold on” kind of day, as it featured 2 back to back Strength Events. Following Day 1, Glenn was feeling pretty good and confident with the loads we were going to hit out on the floor, but when you have to spend 10+ minutes in marshalling before heading out on to the floor and essentially lifting ‘cold’ is a test in itself. Glenn moved smooth on the 15s with 95# on the bar, ensuring every rep met the movement standards to avoid a no rep (forcing you to restart the entire set from rep 1). He was the same on the 12s at 110#. He then loaded up the barbell to a conservative 130# and began his set. Reps 1 through 4 looked smooth and steady. Rep 5 and you could see Glenn was fighting the discomfort of all the blood flooding his forearms. Rep 6 was there, he just had to hold on for 3 more reps. Rep 7 was good, then as he brought the bar back to his front rack position, he was unable to re-grip the barbell, as he went to start the 8th rep. It was a valiant effort and kept him in the race with a 5th Place finish.
For Total Load (10 MIN CAP)
1RM Bench Press
Much like Event 5, we knew where Glenn’s fellow competitors ranked in terms of strength, with all of them opening at weights above Glenn’s all time 1RM, we decided to sandbag this event with a 50kg Bench Press, to conserve energy for a maximum effort of the Final Event.
For Time (9 MIN CAP)
10 cal Ski Erg
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9m Unbroken Handstand Walk
The Final event was a sprint, on the hands. Each round started with a 10cal Ski Buy in, followed by an increasing unbroken distance HS Walk. The game plan – go ALL OUT. Glenn did just that, pulling 2400cal/hr on the first and 2nd rounds to earn a top split time, then it was all about stringing some HS walks together. In practice, Glenn only cleared the first couple of rounds, this time, he cleared 4 and got into the 5th, finishing the event in 4th Place.
Overall Glenn finished the weekend in 4th.
Amazing effort all weekend Glenn! Still can’t believe that it was your first competitive event, and to do what you did on such a grand stage, was awesome to watch!